...from one life giving force to another, we tumble gently through this world, winding around, screwing up, finding ourselves, breaking down, life from death, squeezing forth through this our fragile world....
Drawn to the ritual and primitive elements of life,
Drawn to the act of mark making,
Drawn to nature and the preciousness of life,
Drawn to the fragility of life, never sure, forever changing, the beautiful, the sad, the ugly, the bad, the good, the
ridiculous, the world we call life.
Generally, I have always been interested in drawing, line and mark making as well as the 3D aspect of sculpture. As a child growing up, I always scribbled in the sand, on rocks, in the trees or anywhere I could scratch or make a mark. I like to have movement in my work and looking back, there are always elements of nature, the
organic and figurative throughout it. I like to prepare my drawing surfaces with layers of paint, splashes, marks and stains, by rubbing, splashing and dribbling paint and am happiest with my work when it is a fast and spontaneous.
I am learning to plan my concepts more and work through a thought process and discovering different methods and techniques with paint. Through the exploration of my previous work and my interests in the fragility of our world and the environmental problems we are facing and the fact that water is our most precious commodity, that out of water grows everything and that the river and streams are the veins and life force of our world, are some areas I am exploring. Also through a personal experience with cancer and the increasing numbers of this disease and the ripple effect it causes on peoples lives, on a
parallel with our
environment, something lives, something dies how something always grows out of something, even in grief is another area
I'm exploring.
I would like my art to be a spontaneous reaction to a deeper problem employing the use of line, texture, shape, rhythm, movement and emotion.